Thursday, November 14, 2013

Don’t worry about the How!

You know when you are starting a project and you think, how am I ever going to do this?
Or, maybe you have a dream, a goal, a business idea, something you have always wanted to do but you can’t figure out how it will ever work? 

Maybe you are going through a rough spot in your life, you lost your job, lost your love, lost your faith, and you think, how will I ever make it through? 

Here’s my advice, forget the how! 

No one really knows how a lot of things are going to work, but they do. And that’s not your job anyway. 

Your job is to take Action! And stay with it. Keep moving daily towards your solution or your end goal. Go down every road. Open every door. Open every window. And if one shuts, open another. If there is a block in the road, find another. If you hit a brick wall, go over it, go around it, but don’t let the wall stop you! Told no more times than yes, then keep looking for someone who will give you the yes. Miss your train, then it wasn’t your train, wait for the next. Get the idea? 

The point is to keep moving in the direction of your dream and not think about how it will work. 

Ask anyone who has ever achieved great success and ask them if they knew how they were ever going to make it and I’ll bet they would say they had no clue, they just knew they were going to get there. 

That’s how you have to think. Believe it. Feel it. Know it. Practice daily. 

And forget about the how, just keep moving! 

NineFrogs – where attitude is everything! 

Patti Bokowski

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What’s your Style?

I get a lot of comments on the way I dress.  Which I guess on one hand is a good thing as they are usually nice comments and compliments.  I’ve had people comment on my hair (as in why do I wear my hair this way, my answer, because I like it), the length of my skirt (yes, I like wearing my skirts a little higher than most, my choice) and my shoes, OMG, can’t forget the shoes (things like, how do you walk around in those, or, don’t you own regular shoes? Regular shoes, answer no).

Here’s my point, how I dress is my style.  Everything about me is well, me.  It’s taken me quite a while to get it down, to get this look.  And I like it a lot, it works for me.  When I get dressed in the morning (after having gone to the gym) I feel good getting dressed.  Whether I’m seeing a client and getting dressed up or I’m working from home and wearing jeans.  I’m confident that whatever I am wearing I’m feeling my best and that I like the way I look in it.

And that’s the key point, my confidence. 

These days, I don’t wear anything unless I feel really good about it. The days of wearing an outfit just so I have something to wear are long over.   And I share that with all my clients.  It is better to have five outfits you feel fabulous in then ten outfits you feel okay in.  I mean, who wants to feel just okay?

Now, who wants to feel fabulous? 

Think about your current style.  Do you have a style?  When you walk out the door in the morning are you saying, here I am world, or are you just counting the hours till you can get back home and put your sweats back on? 

Let me ask you?  Are you still wearing the same clothes from five years ago?  Do you have the same haircut since high school?  Do people say things like, that outfit looks comfortable?  

If the answer is yes to any of those questions, you might want to think about an upgrade.

I know I sound like a broken record, but it’s worth repeating.  If you feel and look good, you will accomplish so much more with your life.  You will have the confidence you need in order to succeed, to take chances and to work on all those goals and dreams you have swimming around in that beautiful head of yours.

You deserve to feel good.

You deserve to look good.

You deserve to conquer the world.

Now it’s up to you to take the first step.

NineFrogs – where attitude is everything!

Patti Bokowski

Friday, November 8, 2013

You Are More Powerful Than You Think!

Stop giving away your power so you can be the PowerHouse you are meant to be!

I don’t know how many of you can relate, I’m guessing many (although I know, no one wants to admit it).  You know, we are the ones who hate conflict, don’t want to make waves, the “nice” ones.

God forbid we should make anyone unhappy (even if it means we sacrifice our own happiness), we don’t want to “rock the boat” as the saying goes.

Just “go with the flow” is what the people around us will tell us, and we listen, because that’s how we have spent our lives, being the good ones, the nice ones.

Then we wonder why do we feel like victims? Why do we go along? Agree? Not say anything? Not argue?

We know the answer, because we might cause a fight, a disagreement.  Feelings might be hurt (and we hate that). People might not like us.  Or worse, we might have to go head to head with someone and speak up for ourselves.

Maybe today is the day to change all that.

Read some of the lyrics to Katy Perry’s new song Roar and see if you can relate?

I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath
Scared to rock the boat and make a mess
So I sat quietly, agreed politely
I guess that I forgot I had a choice
I let you push me past the breaking point
I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything 

You held me down, but I got up (HEY!)
Already brushing off the dust
You hear my voice, you hear that sound
Like thunder gonna shake the ground
You held me down, but I got up (HEY!)
Get ready cause I’ve had enough
I see it all, I see it now 

So if you are like me and you have had enough, maybe today is the day YOU start regaining your power.

As with anything, the first step is always the hardest.

NineFrogs…Where Style meets Motivation and = Success!

Patti Bokowski