Monday, December 16, 2013

Careful Who You Hang Around With

They say you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with.  So if you spend most of your time with people who are negative, unhappy and toxic, chances are all their bad feelings and unhappiness are going to rub off on you.  Now if you hang around with people who are happy, motivated and successful, same thing, chances are you will also be happy, motivated and successful. 

Many times, we aren’t even aware of how much influence the people we are around have on us.  For example, if your co-worker complains daily about the boss, another co-worker, how terrible things are at work and so on, chances are you are leaving work a not so happy camper.  You have taken in all that negativity and toxicity and what do you think you are going to do with it?

That’s right, you are going to go home and share it with your loved ones!  

In order to be happy, you must surround yourself with happy, confident, goal oriented people.  Because people like that, who know where they are going and know what they want out of life, don’t have time for negativity and unhappy feelings.  They are too busy being happy and successful!

We see these negative people all over.  They are our family, our friends, our bosses, our co-workers, sometimes they are even our significant other.  Some people you can weed out of your life, some you cannot.  You are the only one who can decide that.

Take notice of yourself.  Take notice of the five people you see spend the most time with.  Are these people lifting you higher or bringing you down?  If they are bringing you down, then perhaps you need to change that for the better.  Start hanging around with uplifting, cheerful people.  And if you don’t have any uplifting people in your life, start looking today.  Happy people are contagious.  Once you are around them, you will always want to be around them and you won’t have time for the negative people anymore!

From the young to the old, it doesn’t matter.  Make the point of surrounding yourself with people who lift your spirits, who make you laugh, who make you smile, who encourage you, who want to see you live your best life.  Do that, and watch your life change.  Watch as you feel the enthusiasm that maybe you have been missing.  You will smile more, think better and feel more alive.  And at the end of the day, isn’t that what we all want?

NineFrogs – where attitude is everything!

Patti Bokowski

Friday, December 6, 2013

Why you need an Image Consultant!

Investing in an image Consultant or stylist is not just about making you look pretty or dressing sharply, it is an investment in your future. If you are any kind of professional, either a career person, entrepreneur or small business owner, your image means everything and portrays to the world the message you are sending. I am amazed when I see the way people dress for meetings, events, parties, even going out to dinner. Many dress as if they were doing their weekend errands. The way you dress along with your mannerisms, speak volumes. Are you aware of the message you are sending? 

Show the world you are serious about your image and watch how people respond to you. Dressing better doesn’t mean you need to spend a fortune on new clothes to look good. It means taking pride in what you wear, how you wear it, and how you feel on the inside when you are wearing it. Maybe buying a few new pieces to add to your wardrobe is all you need to freshen your look. If you want to command the respect and attention of others, see how quickly people will respond to you once you start dressing better.

The New Year is quickly approaching. Whether you feel your image needs a total makeover or perhaps just a little pick-me-up, decide today to make a change for the better. You get one life, live it looking and feeling fabulous. You deserve to live your dreams, start today! 

Patti Bokowski

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Don’t worry about the How!

You know when you are starting a project and you think, how am I ever going to do this?
Or, maybe you have a dream, a goal, a business idea, something you have always wanted to do but you can’t figure out how it will ever work? 

Maybe you are going through a rough spot in your life, you lost your job, lost your love, lost your faith, and you think, how will I ever make it through? 

Here’s my advice, forget the how! 

No one really knows how a lot of things are going to work, but they do. And that’s not your job anyway. 

Your job is to take Action! And stay with it. Keep moving daily towards your solution or your end goal. Go down every road. Open every door. Open every window. And if one shuts, open another. If there is a block in the road, find another. If you hit a brick wall, go over it, go around it, but don’t let the wall stop you! Told no more times than yes, then keep looking for someone who will give you the yes. Miss your train, then it wasn’t your train, wait for the next. Get the idea? 

The point is to keep moving in the direction of your dream and not think about how it will work. 

Ask anyone who has ever achieved great success and ask them if they knew how they were ever going to make it and I’ll bet they would say they had no clue, they just knew they were going to get there. 

That’s how you have to think. Believe it. Feel it. Know it. Practice daily. 

And forget about the how, just keep moving! 

NineFrogs – where attitude is everything! 

Patti Bokowski

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What’s your Style?

I get a lot of comments on the way I dress.  Which I guess on one hand is a good thing as they are usually nice comments and compliments.  I’ve had people comment on my hair (as in why do I wear my hair this way, my answer, because I like it), the length of my skirt (yes, I like wearing my skirts a little higher than most, my choice) and my shoes, OMG, can’t forget the shoes (things like, how do you walk around in those, or, don’t you own regular shoes? Regular shoes, answer no).

Here’s my point, how I dress is my style.  Everything about me is well, me.  It’s taken me quite a while to get it down, to get this look.  And I like it a lot, it works for me.  When I get dressed in the morning (after having gone to the gym) I feel good getting dressed.  Whether I’m seeing a client and getting dressed up or I’m working from home and wearing jeans.  I’m confident that whatever I am wearing I’m feeling my best and that I like the way I look in it.

And that’s the key point, my confidence. 

These days, I don’t wear anything unless I feel really good about it. The days of wearing an outfit just so I have something to wear are long over.   And I share that with all my clients.  It is better to have five outfits you feel fabulous in then ten outfits you feel okay in.  I mean, who wants to feel just okay?

Now, who wants to feel fabulous? 

Think about your current style.  Do you have a style?  When you walk out the door in the morning are you saying, here I am world, or are you just counting the hours till you can get back home and put your sweats back on? 

Let me ask you?  Are you still wearing the same clothes from five years ago?  Do you have the same haircut since high school?  Do people say things like, that outfit looks comfortable?  

If the answer is yes to any of those questions, you might want to think about an upgrade.

I know I sound like a broken record, but it’s worth repeating.  If you feel and look good, you will accomplish so much more with your life.  You will have the confidence you need in order to succeed, to take chances and to work on all those goals and dreams you have swimming around in that beautiful head of yours.

You deserve to feel good.

You deserve to look good.

You deserve to conquer the world.

Now it’s up to you to take the first step.

NineFrogs – where attitude is everything!

Patti Bokowski

Friday, November 8, 2013

You Are More Powerful Than You Think!

Stop giving away your power so you can be the PowerHouse you are meant to be!

I don’t know how many of you can relate, I’m guessing many (although I know, no one wants to admit it).  You know, we are the ones who hate conflict, don’t want to make waves, the “nice” ones.

God forbid we should make anyone unhappy (even if it means we sacrifice our own happiness), we don’t want to “rock the boat” as the saying goes.

Just “go with the flow” is what the people around us will tell us, and we listen, because that’s how we have spent our lives, being the good ones, the nice ones.

Then we wonder why do we feel like victims? Why do we go along? Agree? Not say anything? Not argue?

We know the answer, because we might cause a fight, a disagreement.  Feelings might be hurt (and we hate that). People might not like us.  Or worse, we might have to go head to head with someone and speak up for ourselves.

Maybe today is the day to change all that.

Read some of the lyrics to Katy Perry’s new song Roar and see if you can relate?

I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath
Scared to rock the boat and make a mess
So I sat quietly, agreed politely
I guess that I forgot I had a choice
I let you push me past the breaking point
I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything 

You held me down, but I got up (HEY!)
Already brushing off the dust
You hear my voice, you hear that sound
Like thunder gonna shake the ground
You held me down, but I got up (HEY!)
Get ready cause I’ve had enough
I see it all, I see it now 

So if you are like me and you have had enough, maybe today is the day YOU start regaining your power.

As with anything, the first step is always the hardest.

NineFrogs…Where Style meets Motivation and = Success!

Patti Bokowski

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Summer Style & Savings

If you have been to the stores lately you have probably noticed the same thing as me, summer is over, at least as far as the retail world is concerned. Now, need for alarm, summer really isn’t over. Here in the North East we probably have at least another couple of months of summer weather.

But, if you want to get in on those great deals, now is the time to get in. I just went to Macy’s tonight and bought a pair of American Rag shorts for $11.99, same pair I bought back in June for $39.99 (only these are red). There was a woman in front of me who must have bought twenty shirts because they were so cheap, she couldn’t believe it. She kept asking the sales lady if the prices were right.

Not only can you get summer clothes at a discount, but you can find many pieces for fall and winter as well. A black tank can be worn under a blazer or sweater, a sleeveless dress can be worn with a jacket and you can wear summer sandals, depending on the style, well into fall.

So on your next lunch hour or mid-week shopping visit, go hit a couple of stores and get in on those savings. And if you have a coupon, even better!

I always say, looking good does not have to cost a lot of money. What it does entail is a little thought, a little planning, some shopping, and if necessary, a little assistance. And if that is the case with you, call me; together we can make beautiful things happen!

You deserve to live your dreams, start today!

Patti Bokowski

Monday, August 19, 2013

I Love My Job!

I recently had a client who was receiving a major award at a big event and asked me to help her pick out an outfit for her big night. I was more than happy to do this for her, not only because it is what I live to do, but more importantly, because I knew it was her big night and I wanted to help her in whatever way I could.

Since I love to shop, and I like to have my clients feel comfortable, we went to one of her favorite stores to start our shopping journey. Our goal was to find the perfect dress for this special occasion.

Together we went through every dress in the store. I always tell my clients not to be so quick to say “no”, you never know when something might look great on you, even though it may be a different style than they are used to.

The important thing is they have to like the color, to me, that is key. Because no one wants to wear a color they hate, no matter how good something might look on them.

So as we went through dress by dress, I got a sense of what she liked and she started sharing with me how she wanted to look and feel that night. Her likes and dislikes.

After her trying on several dresses (again, I tell my clients you need to try on LOTS sometimes to find the right item), we found the perfect dress. Fit perfectly, looked great, she was very happy (most important) and I was happy I could help her.

The night of her event, she glowed. She is one Amazing woman!

You deserve to live your dreams, start today!

Patti Bokowski

Friday, July 26, 2013

Interview with Bianka Gomez for segment of La Zona

Here I am with Bianka Gomez interviewing me about my business, NineFrogs and how important image is to your success for the segment La Zona.
Patti Bokowski

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Think Different

"If you always do what you have always done, You will always get what You always got"

Have you ever heard this one?

Think about it, if you keep doing the same thing day in and day out and are looking for different results, chances are that’s not going to happen. This applies to pretty much everything in your life.

Looking for a new partner but you always to the same social site, day after day…and no luck. Why not try a new social club? Looking for a new job but keep looking at the same want ads or websites. Why not take a handful of your resumes and walk around to different businesses, can’ hurt?

Point is, when we have an issue or problem in our lives, we seem to revert to the same way we have always done something and expect different results. In order to get a better result, you need to do something different, out of the ordinary for you. This is how you grow. This is how you come out of your comfort zone. I know, scary stuff.

But in order to live the life you are destined to live, coming out of your comfort zone is part of that process. For me, I have recently given two public speeches. Not long ones, but I still had to get in front of a group of people and talk. That is coming out of my comfort zone.

I also do a lot of networking for my business and most cases, I go to these events by myself. Again, out of my comfort zone. In the past I would have made sure someone I knew was going to be there and have someone go with me. Not these days, if there is an event I want to attend, I don’t even think about it. I just go. Luckily for me, I usually find someone I know, but not every time. But I know if I want to grow my business, networking is part of that and so I do it. And know I look at it as somewhat of an adventure, never knowing who I will meet and what is in store.

So the next time you have an issue and need an answer, instead of going right, go left. Instead of going where you usually go, go somewhere different. Think different. For the simple act of thinking different will get you different results, hopefully better ones!

Keep dreaming big …

Patti Bokowski

Friday, May 31, 2013

The Law of Attraction in Reverse

Ever try and chase after a toddler?  What do they do?  Run the other way?  How about chasing after someone you like?  Chances are same thing, they run in the other direction. Chase a dream, nine times out of ten it doesn’t work.  Chase after money, it will slip through your fingers and leave you penniless.  Chase after clients and you probably won’t have many as you will have scared them all away.  It’s like chasing after the elusive dream, you never really get there.

That’s the funny thing about chasing things.  You chase, “it” goes in the opposite direction.  Think about it, if a bear was chasing you, you would run.  If someone pursues you aggressively, you pull back.  Appear too eager in a job interview, and you look too needy, you don’t get the job.  Wake up in a bad mood, notice how everyone will avoid you most of the day as if you are repelling them.
I guess it is human nature.  Whatever we chase runs away.  What I like to call “The Law of Attraction in Reverse.”  Sometimes we just can’t help ourselves.  We let our emotions get the better of us.  We are human after all.  Unfortunately, that is not the way to attract the things we want into our lives.
We see “something” we want, or “someone” we want, or “something” someone else has or “someone” someone else has that we want…sometimes it is a never ending cycle of want.  The problem happens of “how” we go about “attracting” what we want into our lives.

And I have learned recently, (well actually I knew of it a long time ago, I just forgot), the way to bring anything “into” your life is to attract it, not chase it.  Attracting brings people, love, opportunities, money, happiness, friends, travel, etc. into your life.  Chasing just pushes everything in the wrong direction.

It is simply a mindset.  A mindset that says “what I want I attract into my life”.  Want to take it a step further?  Write it down.  That makes it even more powerful.  Read your list everyday.  Visualize it.  Know it.  Feel it.  Then watch to see your life change.  Watch to see how people react to you.  Watch to see how love, people, opportunities and all kinds of good things start to come into your life.  Simply by changing your mindset…

Till next time, keep moving forward…

Patti Bokowski

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tip for the Small Business Owner & the Benefits of FIVERR

For those of us who are small business owners, we know how frustrating it can be? We are the CEO, COO, Director of Communications, Head of PR, The Admin, Networking Expert, Shipping Coordinator and anything else anyone can throw in there.

We are also usually working on a shoe string budget for those of us starting off fresh.  So it is always great when someone can share something helpful to our businesses, that won’t cost us a lot.  So today, I have something to share.

For anyone who has never heard of them before, let me introduce you to FIVERR.
FIVERR is this great website where you can find just about anyone who will do just about anything all for $5.00.  Seriously, it is amazing what some people will do for $5.00.  And there are a ton of marketing, PR, and graphics people, talented people, and right at your fingertips, who are more than willing to help you, all for $5.00.

I have had my picture photo shopped, had a logo made, one of my first business cards made, a banner for my Etsy account, an elevator speech written and more things than I can remember done with FIVERR.  Were there any projects they did that I wasn’t happy with? Sure a couple. But I was only out $5.00.

The way it works is, say you want someone to wear a t-shirt with your company logo on it (yes, there are people who will do that), you simply go to that category and then decide who you want to do the job (on FIVERR, they are called gigs). You pay for the gig (PayPal is the option of payment with them) and the person who is doing the gig will then send you an e-mail with any pertinent information they need to know to do the gig.

It really is amazing the talent you will find on there.

And now here is another thing about Fiverr, do you have a product or service that you want to provide on FIVERR? It’s a great way to get PR!  Granted, you only get $5.00 (actually I think you only get $4.00 because the good people of FIVERR have to get their cut) but still, recognition plus a couple of bucks, something to look into.

My advice, check them out, you never know who or what service you may find to help you out.
Here’s my latest purchase, hope you like it

Dream Big …


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Summer Fashions

This past Thursday I had the pleasure of attending Pulse Magazine’s Fashion Show at Talon Air at Republic Airport.  Timing is perfect, because to me, this is the best time of year for clothes. Spring and summer fashions always seem to me to have the best colors, styles, fabrics and let’s not forget the fabulous sandals. That’s a blog for another day.

What a fantastic event. The models were gorgeous as you would expect models to be, the music was amazing and the crowd was enthusiastic as ever to see the latest fashions.

"This is what I am buying when I am rich & famous"
Once the show started, bathing suits came out first. And they were a big hit!  There were one piece suits as well as bikinis. Each suit was prettier and more stylish than the next. As I looked at each of those suits I thought to myself, could a “real” woman wear that, and I have to say, for most of them, the answer was yes! (Here’s my secret for bathing suit season, self-tanner. It is amazing what a tan will do for you before you make your first appearance in a bathing suit.  I use Jergens Natural Glow and it really does work).

There were plenty of summer clothes. Lots of pretty shirts, open backs seem to be very in this year as well as asymmetrical hem lines for both women’s shirts and dresses. Initially I didn’t know if I liked that kind of hem line, but after seeing it on the models, I believe it is very flattering.

The summer dresses were flowing, graceful and exquisite. I happen to be a summer dress fanatic.  I scour the stores starting this time every year looking for the best dresses. Orange and mint green seem to be very popular colors this year (I have already bought some outfits in both these colors and love them).

After the show there was a lot of buzz among the crowd.  Everyone seemed to love the show. Love the clothes and of course, loved those models.
Can’t wait for my next show!

Dream Big …


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Just Leap

I am sure most of you have heard the following passage:

The jump is so frightening between where I am  
and where I want 
To be…
Because of all I may become
I will close my eyes and leap!
- Mary Anne Radmacher

Yup, that’s about how I felt a couple of weeks ago. See, I was asked to give my first “formal” speech. Not that I didn’t want to speak? Speaking in front of a group is something I have been working on for the past several years. It was just, now this was reality. I was really going to speak in front of a group of people, OMG. And they asked me! 

I had no idea of what to do next? And my mind filled with a million doubts (no surprise). What if they didn’t like me? What if my speech sucks? What if I forget what I am talking about? What if they don’t like my outfit? The list was endless. 

So I did what anyone else would do. I reached out to my peeps. The people that I go to when I need reinforcement, guidance, motivation, inspiration, you name it! And to no surprise of my own, every one of them said the same thing… “You can do it Patti” “This is what you have been working for Patti” “You were born for this Patti” The more I thought about it, the more I knew they were right. 

When the night of the speech came, I knew I was ready. Dressed in my “power outfit” (a new black dress with my Michael Kors sandals), I walked out of the house confident and ready to go. 

As I was being introduced that night I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest. Here it was, the moment I was waiting for, nervous and excited all in one. Don’t ask me what I spoke about, I don’t remember. Well, I remember the main points, but that’s not the point, the point was that I did it, and I did it well (at least I think I did it well). I got a very positive reaction from the group. I was proud of myself for doing it and making the people I gave the speech to happy as well. 

Did I come out of my comfort zone? Yes. Did I take a giant leap of faith? Yes. Did it pay off? More than I can say! Sometimes loves, you just have to do the thing that makes you so uncomfortable, to take that leap. The thing that makes you sweat, that makes you squirm in your seat, has you thinking “no way I can do that”. And yet, that is the “thing” you need to do. If for no other reason, just to prove to yourself you can do it. Because once you do, I promise you, you will be so freaking happy with yourself. Amazed and proud that you did it. 

We are all capable of doing so much more than we think? We all need to start take chances, be brave and take GIANT LEAPS!Because you never know what can happen next!!!
Dream Big …


Thursday, March 21, 2013

What is your Purpose?

The definition of Purpose, according to Webster’s Dictionary is: something set up as an end to be attained.

So what do you feel is your purpose?  The thing that makes you “tick”?  The thing you love to do?  The thing you love talking about?  The thing you do over and over again, most likely daily.  Something that even if no one paid you to do it, you would do it anyway? 

For me, it is all about being positive, and sharing that message, daily if possible.  I inherently believe we all need daily doses of positive reinforcement.  That I believe, is my purpose.  I get comments all the time about my “positive attitude”.

Let me be clear, I work at it.  Daily.  But I love what I do.  I love researching quotes, pictures, writing blogs, reading books/articles, anything I can find on personal development, positive reinforcement and being a better person.  It’s what drives me.  It is what makes me, me!

I found this quote recently, and I think it sums up perfectly how we should all feel about our purpose. Enjoy!
“Having a rough morning?

Place your hand over your heart.

Feel that? That’s called purpose
You’re alive for a reason.
Don’t give up”

Dream big people…


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Dress for Success/Part II

Since spring is right around the corner and it will be time to put away the winter clothes and bring out the spring/summer ones.  Take some time to really go through all your clothes and decide what’s a keeper and what’s not?  It’s better to have great outfits than ten outfits that are just ok.

This is a good time to go through all your clothes, keep clothes that are still in good shape, toss the ones that aren’t in good shape or can’t be fixed. And donate the ones that you either haven’t worn the past two seasons (this also goes for clothes you don’t fit into any more) or feel does nothing for you.

I think it’s also important to add a few new items every season.  It will freshen up your wardrobe and will make you feel so better wearing a new piece.  Even buying a few new shirts or a fabulous pair of sandals will do wonders for your attitude.

Here is something that I hear every year once the warm weather starts from a lot of women and I sincerely just don’t understand it.  Women who say they won’t wear sleeveless shirts or tank tops because they don’t like the tops of their arms.  Ridiculous! Do they think their arms look better in short sleeve shirts where it cuts them at their worst point?  My philosophy is, wear what makes you feel good!

I would much rather see a woman with a beautiful sun dress, gorgeous sandals, some jewelry and a little make-up and a huge smile, than to see a woman trying to hide under some hideous clothes just because she doesn’t want anyone to see the tops of her arms or show off her legs.  If you project to the world that you feel like a million bucks, then that is what people are going to get from you and will treat you as such.

Remember, it is your attitude that makes the outfit, not the clothes.  Just like my tag line says, where attitude is everything!

Dream big people…


Friday, March 1, 2013

Where did you come up with that name?

Ever since I launched this little website of mine, I have been asked so many times, where did you come up with that name?  
So here, for your reading pleasure, is the answer:
When I was thinking about this new business venture of many months ago, I knew one thing from the start; it had to have a catchy name.  Think, Target, FaceBook, Walmart.  I had read enough business books and blogs to know that having a catchy name was paramount in launching a new business if I wanted people to remember me.  And, personally, I also knew I wanted a .com name.  Not too difficult a task I thought.  Boy was I wrong!

On the day I was ready to purchase my new domain name, I had three names ready to go.  Three name that I had given a lot of thought into.  As I entered the first name, imagine my surprise when I came up “taken”.  Ok, then I entered second one in, “taken”. Wow I thought, that’s crazy.  Third one has to be available, but no, third name I had was taken also.  I was shocked that all the names I had selected were taken already (obviously I hadn’t done my homework, otherwise I would have realized that there are like a bazillion websites out there in the internet world).  

Anyway, at this point, I literally walked around my house…looking at everything trying to come up with some clever names.  And every name I came up with was taken.
I was so frustrated I decided to shelve the idea for a while and go take a shower.  It was in the shower that I noticed a small green rubber frog that had been in there for years, one of the kid’s toys that somehow never left the bathroom. I looked at that frog and something just came to me and I thought, yup, has to have frog in the name.  I thought Pink Frog, Purple Frog, Blue Frog…all taken. Then I thought up numbers, and again, something just popped into my head. In Feng Shui, the numbers eight and nine are lucky (as are frogs).  And as I stood in the shower, saying it out loud, it just sounded perfect, NineFrogs.  And there you have it, the name of my business. Oddly enough, since I picked that name, the number nine has become more significant to me.  After picking the name, one of my girlfriends reminded me that there are nine of us in our group, I hadn’t even thought of that.  And when I go to a particular gym, they always give me locker #9.

I wish I could say everyone loves the name, most people do.  But have also encountered certain people who haven’t liked the name.  Some have gone so far as to say, “that is the best name you could come up with? I could have done better than that” (and if you are reading this, you know who you are). Lesson here, there are always going to be people who won’t like your shit, so don’t worry about it.

For me, I am very happy with the name and at the end of the day, that’s all that counts!

Till next time…

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Big Announcement, Patti Bokowski is now a J.Hilburn Style Consultant

So, for a few weeks now I have been working on becoming a Style Consultant with J.Hilburn. If you are not familiar with them, they specialize in Men’s Custom Clothing, specifically, men’s custom shirts. Their fabrics are amazing, their prices beat their competitors and instead of you, the buyer, having to go to the store to purchase your goods, I come to you, either your office, home, local coffee shop, you name it! 

I even have a website so that you can order directly through the company. (Only for custom clothing, you will need to be measured first).

I am really excited about this new venture. I believe it is in alignment with my business, Nine Frogs, and provides an amazing product at competitive prices. It doesn’t get any better for me, assisting people to look and feel their best. That is what you call a win/win situation! 

For more information, please check out my J.Hilburn website: 

Or call me at 631-316-4426 for further details. 

See you again next time… 

Patti B.

Friday, February 15, 2013

How to have Radiant Skin

Skin care and make-up are two of my favorite passions and I am constantly looking for ways to improve on both.

As I get compliments frequently on my skin, I thought I would share some of My “beauty” secrets.  I know everyone has their own beauty regiment, I am sharing mine. And I am a firm believer that you can’t have great make-up without a firm foundation for it to set upon. 

So here are my basic steps to radiant skin:

1.Wash your face daily. I know some people say once a day. For me, twice a day, especially if you wear make-up every day.  Once in the morning with a gentle cleanser, such as Noxzema, this is what I use…or whatever your preference is.  At night I use a gentle scrub cleanser to help remove my make-up and give my skin a clean feeling.

    2. Toner, a good one, twice a day as well, once in the morning after shower and again at end of the day after taking make-up off.

    3. MOISTERIZE, MOISTERIZE, MOISTERIZE.  I cannot emphasize this one enough.  I don’t care if you use the $7.00 bottle from your local drug store or the $110.0 bottle from the fancy department store.  Whichever it is, use is daily, twice daily, at least.
    4. Eat well.  Put good food into your body.  Do not eat crappy food.  It WILL show up on your face if you eat enough of it.  Personally, I have been eating organic food since August of 2012 and I have noticed a tremendous difference not only in the feel of my skin (much smoother), it has also gotten tighter and firmer.  And who doesn’t want tighter, firmer skin?

     5. Drink water.  Let me repeat, drink LOTS of water.  Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.  Drinking lots of water will absolutely have a positive effect on your skin.

    6.Exercise, again, keeps your body in shape, relieves tension, releases all those good endorphins into your system and makes you feel good.

    7. Have sex!  Yes, having sex is wonderful for your complexion.  You have heard it before.  Enough said.

    8. Reduce stress.  I would say this is the number one thing to do in order to Have Radiant Skin…stress takes a terrible toll on the body, including your face.  It will add years to your face and make you look years older.  So do whatever works for you in order to reduce the stress in your life.  Take a class, exercise, start saying no to things that no longer serve you, eliminate the toxic people in your life.   
    Do something positive for yourself.  Make more “you time”. 

Use some or all of these tips and I guarantee you will notice a difference in your skin, and more importantly in your confidence.  As one aspect of your body changes, other subtle changes will also take place.  And slowly, you will notice an overall feeling of bliss and happiness.  This will just make you work even harder to achieve the look and feel of how you ultimately want to feel.  

Thanks & see you again next time…

Patti B.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Be Awesome Today

Make this the best Monday yet!  Remember, You are in charge of your destiny.  You and you alone decide what kind of week you are going to have.  No one else.

So decide today that you are going to make this an awesome week.  

Put your best foot forward, dress your best, have a positive attitude and Smile Big!
Thanks & see you again next time…

Patti B.

Monday, January 28, 2013

So this is me & what I do

For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Patti Bokowski, your personal stylist and self-esteem builder at Nine Frogs. Did you know that all of you, no matter what shape or size, are a package? You are a beautiful package comprised of hopes, dreams, a personality, self-esteem and an outer image. My question to you is, do they all match up? Do you feel like the creature you were born to be or WANT to be? That’s what I do. I help people, whether they just want to reinvent themselves or they are going through a major life change like a new career or divorce, get the look, attitude, energy and zip in their step they deserve. In today’s hectic world, there’s one person who often gets forgotten - left behind on all the to-do lists, tasks and demands. You! Using my expertise in personal and corporate development, I help bring your personal vision to life.  I do more than coach you. I encourage you every step of the way. So, you don’t just get a new look. You get a new lease on life.

Thanks & see you again next time…

Patti B.

Monday, January 21, 2013

You never get a second chance to make a first impression

You’ve heard that expression before.  But I don’t think many people think about it very much these days.  Looking your best and dressing sharply will make all the difference in the world as to how the world looks at you and how you are treated.

If you dress like you are running errands on a Saturday morning, only you are actually going to your office for work, what message do you think that sends out to the world?  It’s a message that says, I don’t really care.  And no one really wants to send that kind of message.  

My friends always kid me about the way I dress.  I tend to “over dress”.  True.  Even when I am running errands on a Saturday morning, I dress for success, always.  I want to make sure I give a great first impression to whoever I run into.  And I want to make sure I always look my best.  I would much rather be overdressed, than under dressed.  The overdressed person gets noticed in a good way.  And isn’t that what everyone wants?  To look good AND feel good?

Sure, I have people who will kid me about the way I dress, or that I am “over” dressed for certain occasions.  But I just smile because I know I look and feel my best.  And at the end of the day, that’s what is important!

So remember kids, Dress for Success and see how the worlds treats YOU!

Thanks & see you again next time…Patti B.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Have the confidence today!

“My theory is that if you can look confident you can pull off anything – even if you have no clue what you’re doing”  - Jessica Alba

Is that not so true?  Really, it’s that old saying, ‘FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT”.

Have the confidence today, even if you have to “so” fake it, just do it. 

No one is going to know the difference, only you!
So today, do one thing to make yourself feel better and your confidence will soar!
Till next time.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Do it anyway

Someone recently brought to my attention that the last blog I wrote was in November. Wow? It didn’t seem like it was that long ago, but sure enough, it was. Why, you might ask, have I not written a blog in almost three months?  Is it because I have nothing to write about? No, I have plenty to write about.  For those who don’t know me well, I am quite a chatter box.
I will tell you what it is, one word, FEAR.  Fear that no one would like what I have to say. Fear that someone would read it and say, well that sucks, who cares? Or, that’s stupid.  I mean, quite honestly, the possibilities my mind comes up with are endless.

And I am sure I am not alone on this one. How often do we stop ourselves from doing something before we even do it because we let fear get in the way?  We convince ourselves before we even do something that it is not going to work. Or that someone won’t like us.  Or we aren’t qualified.  Or, not good enough.  Or, we will make a fool of ourselves.

But as someone else has reminded me recently, who cares?  If there is something you really want, then you just have to go for it! Regardless of how others may perceive you or how scared you are of doing it.  Do it anyway!  (By the way, there is a song by Ben Folds called “Do It Anyway”, song about this very subject).

Because once you do it, once you overcome the fear, you will feel so much better about yourself.  You know the acronym for fear?  False Evidence Appearing Real.

How true is that?  So today, do one thing you have not done because of your False Evidence Appearing Real.  And then see how good you feel once you have done it!

As for me, I will be writing my blogs, whether anyone reads them or not. Whether anyone likes them or not.  Because at the end of the day, this is what I want and no one is going to stop me.

Thanks & see you again next time…Patti B.