Friday, May 31, 2013

The Law of Attraction in Reverse

Ever try and chase after a toddler?  What do they do?  Run the other way?  How about chasing after someone you like?  Chances are same thing, they run in the other direction. Chase a dream, nine times out of ten it doesn’t work.  Chase after money, it will slip through your fingers and leave you penniless.  Chase after clients and you probably won’t have many as you will have scared them all away.  It’s like chasing after the elusive dream, you never really get there.

That’s the funny thing about chasing things.  You chase, “it” goes in the opposite direction.  Think about it, if a bear was chasing you, you would run.  If someone pursues you aggressively, you pull back.  Appear too eager in a job interview, and you look too needy, you don’t get the job.  Wake up in a bad mood, notice how everyone will avoid you most of the day as if you are repelling them.
I guess it is human nature.  Whatever we chase runs away.  What I like to call “The Law of Attraction in Reverse.”  Sometimes we just can’t help ourselves.  We let our emotions get the better of us.  We are human after all.  Unfortunately, that is not the way to attract the things we want into our lives.
We see “something” we want, or “someone” we want, or “something” someone else has or “someone” someone else has that we want…sometimes it is a never ending cycle of want.  The problem happens of “how” we go about “attracting” what we want into our lives.

And I have learned recently, (well actually I knew of it a long time ago, I just forgot), the way to bring anything “into” your life is to attract it, not chase it.  Attracting brings people, love, opportunities, money, happiness, friends, travel, etc. into your life.  Chasing just pushes everything in the wrong direction.

It is simply a mindset.  A mindset that says “what I want I attract into my life”.  Want to take it a step further?  Write it down.  That makes it even more powerful.  Read your list everyday.  Visualize it.  Know it.  Feel it.  Then watch to see your life change.  Watch to see how people react to you.  Watch to see how love, people, opportunities and all kinds of good things start to come into your life.  Simply by changing your mindset…

Till next time, keep moving forward…

Patti Bokowski

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