Monday, December 16, 2013

Careful Who You Hang Around With

They say you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with.  So if you spend most of your time with people who are negative, unhappy and toxic, chances are all their bad feelings and unhappiness are going to rub off on you.  Now if you hang around with people who are happy, motivated and successful, same thing, chances are you will also be happy, motivated and successful. 

Many times, we aren’t even aware of how much influence the people we are around have on us.  For example, if your co-worker complains daily about the boss, another co-worker, how terrible things are at work and so on, chances are you are leaving work a not so happy camper.  You have taken in all that negativity and toxicity and what do you think you are going to do with it?

That’s right, you are going to go home and share it with your loved ones!  

In order to be happy, you must surround yourself with happy, confident, goal oriented people.  Because people like that, who know where they are going and know what they want out of life, don’t have time for negativity and unhappy feelings.  They are too busy being happy and successful!

We see these negative people all over.  They are our family, our friends, our bosses, our co-workers, sometimes they are even our significant other.  Some people you can weed out of your life, some you cannot.  You are the only one who can decide that.

Take notice of yourself.  Take notice of the five people you see spend the most time with.  Are these people lifting you higher or bringing you down?  If they are bringing you down, then perhaps you need to change that for the better.  Start hanging around with uplifting, cheerful people.  And if you don’t have any uplifting people in your life, start looking today.  Happy people are contagious.  Once you are around them, you will always want to be around them and you won’t have time for the negative people anymore!

From the young to the old, it doesn’t matter.  Make the point of surrounding yourself with people who lift your spirits, who make you laugh, who make you smile, who encourage you, who want to see you live your best life.  Do that, and watch your life change.  Watch as you feel the enthusiasm that maybe you have been missing.  You will smile more, think better and feel more alive.  And at the end of the day, isn’t that what we all want?

NineFrogs – where attitude is everything!

Patti Bokowski

Friday, December 6, 2013

Why you need an Image Consultant!

Investing in an image Consultant or stylist is not just about making you look pretty or dressing sharply, it is an investment in your future. If you are any kind of professional, either a career person, entrepreneur or small business owner, your image means everything and portrays to the world the message you are sending. I am amazed when I see the way people dress for meetings, events, parties, even going out to dinner. Many dress as if they were doing their weekend errands. The way you dress along with your mannerisms, speak volumes. Are you aware of the message you are sending? 

Show the world you are serious about your image and watch how people respond to you. Dressing better doesn’t mean you need to spend a fortune on new clothes to look good. It means taking pride in what you wear, how you wear it, and how you feel on the inside when you are wearing it. Maybe buying a few new pieces to add to your wardrobe is all you need to freshen your look. If you want to command the respect and attention of others, see how quickly people will respond to you once you start dressing better.

The New Year is quickly approaching. Whether you feel your image needs a total makeover or perhaps just a little pick-me-up, decide today to make a change for the better. You get one life, live it looking and feeling fabulous. You deserve to live your dreams, start today! 

Patti Bokowski